Experts in pipe system design
Pipe Solutions Ltd has formed a partner company, Pipe Solutions (Design Services ) Ltd, that offers a range of design and support services to help benefit engineering consultants and pipe installers. Get in touch with our team in Harrogate or Rochester to learn more.
Our team of experts are qualified mechanical engineers, experienced and knowledgeable in pipe design and vibration control.

Spring hanger selection
A spring hanger in a piping system context is defined as a coil spring with rubber isolating elements, within a cage that supports the weight (known as the design load) of the pipe and contents. It will also accommodate thermal expansion or contraction of the pipe and prevent noise from being transmitted through the building structure.
They are typically used in locations where the low frequencies produced by pipe and plant noise can impact the building.
Selection of the appropriate spring support requires several factors to be considered and Pipe Solutions Ltd are on hand to offer you that advice.

Thermal expansion calculation
Depending on factors such as fluid temperature, pipes will expand and contract against its restraints such as pipe connections, branches and offsets resulting in internal forces and stresses upon the pipe system itself.
Our design team can calculate the axial force generated in the piping system and also the magnitude of the forces acting upon pipes, anchors and guides.
We can also calculate
• Piping flexibility analysis
• Allowable displacements
• Allowable stresses for piping material
• Wind loads on piping systems
Contact the team at
Pipe Solutions Ltd
today on 01423 878888
For a full range of pipe network design services, speak to one of our experts.